3D Content More Persuasive than 2D Content

This article was originally published on www.display-central.com.


One of the things that advertisers, marketers and others who seek to influence an audience want to know is: which is more effective at persuading and audience: a 2D or stereoscopic 3D (S3D) video?  This is exactly the question that researchers Shun-nan Yang, PhD and Jim Sheedy, OD, PhD of the Vision Performance Institute, College of Optometry at Pacific University set out to discover – with some funding help from Intel.  The results were presented at the special 3D session organized by the International 3D Society and 3D @ Home at CES 2013.


In a panel discussion lead by Insight Media’s Chris Chinnock, Dr. Sheedy first explained that they tested 90 adults and their reactions to six different topics.  These topics contain a statement for and one against the premise.  For example, one topic was: I would choose an iPhone 4S over Android phones; or I would choose an Android phones over iPhone 4S.


3- to 4-minute length videos were prepared for each topic with S3D and 2D versions arguing for or against the topic.  The videos were shown to subjects on a passive polarized TV set and they used eye tracking to assess immersion.  This was followed with interviews to determine, discomfort and opinion.


The figure below shows the results of the eye tracking for the iPhone vs. Samsung Galaxy (Android) topic.  As can be seen, viewers in 3D are much more focused on the face of the presenter and presumably, what she is saying.


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