3net Entering 3DTVs in Asia


As TV viewers in Asia rapidly embrace 3D technology in a big way, 3net Studios, the production arm of Sony-Discovery-Imax joint venture 3net, expects the continent to form a major part of its biz in coming years.


“Asia will be a very substantial part of our business in the next several years,” 3net prexy Tom Cosgrove told Variety. “We expect Asia to be a really hot spot for 3D TV.”


He said consumers were keenly aware of the 3D technology and there weren’t the same barriers to things like the specialized glasses, said Cosgrove, who has just made a major trip to key markets in Asia. And these markets are very large, with significant investment.


“There is a big push there,” said Cosgrove. “We met a huge number of companies and people across the whole span of the 3D TV community. What we kept hearing especially in China and Korea was the desire for content. And that’s good news for us.”


Special thanks to our source, Variety.com.


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