A new 3D app gives rise to more 3D Display technology

Just as 3D TV is still quietly growing wildly throughout the rest of the world, 3D display technology might be about to push augmented reality into the 3rd dimension.

This is 3D on steriods and it goes well beyond what passive 3D TV can manage. It is based on using glasses to channel a left and right eye image to the correct eye but the glasses also serve to indicate where the viewer is looking. The system uses this information to present the viewer with a custom 3D render that is appropriate to the viewpoint. This allows you to look around the side of an object by moving.

A special stylus also allows you to pick up the 3D objects and manipulate them. It doesn’t take much imagination to see that with such a realistic display, and the ability to interact with the rendered objects, there are lots of possible applications – some serious and some game-based.

The company that makes the display – Infinite Z – has just issued an SDK that can be used to create custom applications. The display costs just less than $4000, but with the SDK you can get one for $1500. Presumably if you do invent a killer app then the cost would come down with scale.

Source: www.i-programmer.info

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