Can YouTube Do Anything They Want?

YT-un-suspend A little over a year ago, YouTube suspended my account. No explanation, no chance to ask anyone questions, no way to change the decision. A black hole appeared instead. Years of hard work building a brand and a destination, gone in a flash.

What had I done? Had a competitor made false claims? Did someone just misinterpret something on the site? What about arbitration?

There is none. YouTube answers to no one (man, woman or child) . There is no phone number to call. no appeals process. No due process. You know, kind of like a military dictatorship, only no guns. Funny, they operate in the US but evidently are not bound by those laws or principles.

We posted to the forums, nothing. I contacted friends, who contacted other friends who said that the powers that be heard about it, but no one would step in.

So for one year we continued to post disputes.

Finally, a few weeks ago, out of the blue, I received an email announcing, “After a review of your account, we have confirmed that your YouTube account is not in violation of our Terms of Service. As such, we have unsuspended your account. …”

My response, gratitude followed by righteous indignation.  I was right all along and they finally admit it. Honestly, most would shut up and take it. Me, well, I HAVE to write about it.

Has this happened to you? I have literally heard from a surprising number of people who say that this has happened to them. Are some of the suspensions justified? Undoubtedly some are. But with no clear cut due process the innocent are swept away with the guilty.

So what now? The reality is there is not much I can do. I am happy that I have it back. Now, I need to rebuild it all over again.I would like to ask your help. Visit the channel, Al Caudullo Productions,  subscribe, watch a couple of videos, leave a comment, maybe share this story with your online friends. Really anything along those lines will help.

One good thing is now, YouTube offers paid channels. I have started 3 new channels where you can rent full length shows.

The Real Muay Thai Boxing Channel

The VR & 3D Channel

The 4K UHD Channel


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