Sharp’s new 3D phone

Following closely in LG’s 3D phone footsteps, Sharp announces their newest 3D phone.
Sharp has announced the launch of a new 3D phone, the Aquos SH8298U. The phone boasts a 4.2-inch qHD screen with glasses-free stereoscopic 3D display and is set to run on Google’s Android 2.3.4 operating system.  

This sleak new phone features two 8 megapixel cameras with a single LED flash that will give a 3D novice recording abilities in 3D. It comes with a 1240mAh battery and with that screen size plus 3D, the battery will have to perform extremely well for the device to churn out even average usage times.  

The Aquos SH8298U has currently been released for consumers in Japan as of now, but Sharp is expected to launch the device in the US in the next few months.
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