World’s First 3D Curved OLED TV

An IMAX-like experience is now possible at the comfort of your homes! And thanks to LG! 🙂


LG announces that the first 3D curved OLED TV is now available for pre-order in South Korea. The 55EA9800 is really exceptional, explains LG, due to the fact that it reshapes the way we perceive images, when we watch TV. The new, improved experience explores the principle of equidistance (the edges of the screen are curved, in order to make the screen surface equidistant from the viewer’s eyes).


With all this upgraded viewing experience, we assume that the curved 3D OLED TV will definitely be the next big thing in terms of home entertainment. Elegant and neat, the device is really thin and we must say, it looks way better than any other TV set.


The new LG’s 3D OLED TV boasts its  0.17 inches thinness! It weighs 17 kilograms and it comes equipped with Color Refiner and WRGB technologies. As a result, the images you get are very natural, there’s no loss of details and the colors are sharper and edgier.


The pre-orders can be placed starting today and the products will be delivered sometime in June. The prices are, as expected, high. For the 55EA9800 model, 55 inch, we will have to pay $13,500.





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