3D toon ‘Planet Earth’ scored $21 mil in four days

The Weinstein Co.’s 3D toon “Escape From Planet Earth,” which cost $40 million, scored a hearty $21 million in four days. The toon held remarkably well on Presidents Day, down an estimated 7% from the previous day.


Here’s some more about the 3D film and what our friends from Variety.com can say about it.


A lightweight, warp-speed, brightly colored trifle that should delight small children and sporadically amuse their parents, “Escape from Planet Earth” is the sort of second-tier animated action-comedy that can tide over family auds during the gaps between more heavily hyped big-ticket items. Given the recent dearth of similar fare in megaplexes, the Weinstein Co. could generate respectable B.O. coin before profitably launching on home-screen platforms. Pic opened with a strong $16.1 million.


The scenario by helmer Cal Brunker and co-scripter Bob Barlen is shamelessly derivative but modestly clever, predictably loaded with wink-wink pop-culture references while energetically extolling the virtue of family ties as, quite literally, a universal concept.


On the plus side, the pic aims some of its humor at grown-up viewers, and scores with sly allusions to ’50s sci-fi thrillers and educational films. Indeed, one of the funnier moments involves a revival screening of the original “It Came From Outer Space” at a drive-in; in that 1953 classic, the 3D visual effects were quite impressive. In this movie, not so much.


The rest of the film review here, courtesy of Variety.com.



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