Arthur, pioneering virtual reality office space provider thatallowsbusinesses to create virtual offices and hold fully immersive collaborative meetings, announces major product updates that are now live on the platform for users. These updates includephotorealisticavatarswith lip-syncing, audio zonesfor private conversationsin subgroups of people, a breakthrough in increased VR room capacity as well as speech-to-textcapabilities.
As the go-to VR solution for major Fortune 500 companies in a variety of industries, includingthe United Nations, Arthur enables large-scale immersivecollaborative sessions in a remote environment, allowing its top-tier clientele to build virtual officespaces with permanency features. In an increasingly remote business environment, Arthur’s offerings have become a business necessity for many major companies–especially global companies that are geographically dispersed. This need has been expedited throughout the past year as the pandemic has restricted global travel significantly and caused companies to rethink their collaboration models.
“Whilemost VR platforms offersimplemeetings with a few people, Arthur is mainly used forlarge-scalebrainstorming sessions with whiteboards, flow charts and othercomplex meetingsin real-time. We are making the virtual office a highly sought-after solution for the enterprise space, combining a collaborative and highly productive meeting environment with realistic settings to meet with colleagues and coworkers, such as a coffee bar,” said Christoph Fleischmann, Founder and CEO of Arthur.
“Since our launch in December 2020, we’ve received great feedback from ourprofessional users on how they’re currently using the platform, and how they’d like to use it for virtual collaborationgoing forward. We’re continuously finding ways to adapt to the evolving needs of ourclientsand are looking forward to what’s next for Arthur.”
Arthur has two models –Professional (currently in beta) and Consumer (intended for startupsand individual professionals), bothof which are currently available on Oculus devices.The updates for each model areas follows with a breakdown below:
- Self-generatable, photorealistic avatarswith accurate lip synchronization and various wardrobe options
- Expanded room capacity of more than50 participants in VR
- Audio zones
- Speech-to-text capabilities
- Photorealistic avatarswith accurate lip synchronization and various wardrobe options
Both models will be receiving big updates to room capacity andphotorealistic avatars, allowing them to be built from an image of the user.
Audio zones are also being introduced in this update to the Professional model. This new feature allows people to hold private conversations with a subgroupof people within a meeting, serving as a privacy bubble.
Until now,Arthur’svirtual office hasoffered the creation of text labels and private notetaking using VR headset controllers or a Bluetooth keyboard to type. Taking productivity in VR to the next level, this update unlocksspeech-to-text capabilities in the Professional model, where users can simply record their voice to generate written text labels or private notes, significantly increasing the speed in which they can work.
In additionto the user-facing feature updates, Arthur hasalso focused on further expanding the scalability of its virtual office.With efficiency increases in the new avatar system, Arthur’s professional model can now hold more than 50people in the same room simultaneously, while still ensuring a high-quality meeting without glitches.
To download Arthur onto an Oculus Quest headset, click here.
About Arthur
Arthur is a large-scale virtual office space provider that enablesbusiness ownersand theirteamsto meet, collaborate and manage theirwork. Thispioneeringvirtual reality platformempowers businessesto maximize theirlevel of remote productivity and free themselvesfrom geographic and physical constraints.Arthur isused by major organizationslikethe United Nationsand SocieteGeneraleand is continuing to expand its business portfolioin a wide variety of industries. For more information, visit www.arthur.digital.
Media Contact
Uproar PR for Arthur
[email protected]

What is 360 VR Video?
360 video is a video that is recorded in all directions at the same time with multiple cameras. The videos are stitched together either internally in the camera or externally using special software.
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Is 360 Video Virtual Reality?
I want you to be the judge.

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