3D Gaming Will Never Be The Same


It looks like something I would use to go underwater, but these new virtual-reality goggles may change the way you play video games forever.


Virtual reality helmets promised to change our game-play when they first came out on the scene more than 20 years ago. That change never occurred and the promise was left unfulfilled.


But along comes the Oculus Rift Headset funded by an innovative project on Kickstarter, a crowd- funding website. They managed to raise $2.4 million for the project. So it goes to show there is certainly a market out there.


This 3D screen completely covers your field of vision requiring you to totally be immersed. The IMAX style displays mean, there are no escape. No looking down to remind yourself where the ground is. Rifts’ creators hope to use the headset to let players look around in driving games or flying games. Once you get over the strange sensation of completely being covered, you really get inside the video game. You can lunge forward with your head. The built-in accelerometers tell the system exactly what moves you’re making.


Sounds like an expensive technology. Well Oculus Rifts creators want to keep the price affordable to the masses. Right now you can only pre-order the developers kit for a mere USD 300. Shipping is expected in April 2013.


Source: oculusvr.com



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