James Cameron, Vincent Pace Introduces 5D TV Tech, Claims Better Future For 3D TVs

The 3DTV era still holds a lot of promise. And towards this,  the CAMERON | PACE Group (CPG) has come out with what is being claimed as a first true effort towards removal of all factors that has been inhibiting the growth of the segment till date. CPG has come out with a new breakthrough technology which ‘integrates’ production of a film in both 2D and 3D formats. This leads to much better resource utilization without compromising on image quality or the overall viewing experience. This, they believe will make 3D film production a more viable options for film makers.


The biggest challenge for broadcasters and film makers so far has been to shoot videos in multiple formats without adding to the costs significantly. The new technology introduced by CPG aims to integrate 2D and 3D production models to give rise to what is being referred to as 5D TV technology. CPG is holding the 2013 Winter games as a live demo of that their 5D TV technology is capable of.


“Our engineering efforts always focus on ways to enable broadcasters to do more with less,” said Vince Pace, CPG’s co-chairman and CEO. “The X Games were a milestone in demonstrating that 3D innovation can also directly augment 2D production … Our goal at CPG is to enable broadcasters to generate top quality footage under any circumstances, adapting to any approach they select. For this year’s X Games, we were able to do just that.”


James Cameron and his business partner Vincent Pace had predicted the same outcome for 3D TV nearly a year ago as Cameron has done for films.


Special thanks to our news source, Good3DTV | News by Sovan Mandal


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