3D Ads coming to your phone

Looking into the new 3D phones? Well don’t forget to look into which companies may now give you better deals, higher quality 3D, and 3D Ads?

With so many companies jumping on the 3D phone band wagon the only logical next step would only be to start seeing your advertisments in 3D also. The latest two are media startup Cooliris and mobile advertising company Smaato, which recently said they were partnering to deliver 3D advertisements on mobile devices.

“Rich Media is an important part for the substantial growth of mobile advertising and we see this as a great opportunity for our developers and publishers to maximize their revenue,” Smaato CEO Ragnar Kruse said in a statement earlier this month.

The service enables the delivery of 3D-rendered images, allowing you to rotate, disassemble, and reassemble that picture in a mobile ad. The two plan to show off the technology later this month at the AppNation conference in San Francisco, where the ads will show up on iPhones and iPads and since they don’t pop off the screen, the images don’t need any special displays or glasses.

Cooliris’s Adjitsu will use Smaato, which already delivers mobile ads to a network of advertisers and devices, to expand its presence in Asia and Europe. Along with their recent demo showing off the ability to manipulate a fully rendered BMW, this plan should prove as the next generation of advertising.

“Together we will enable consumers to re-experience brands, products and services like never before,” Cooliris CEO Soujanya Bhumkar said.


Source: http://news.cnet.com


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