“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” made a grand entrance at Comic-Con on Friday, with a first peek at the movie starring Andrew Garfield as the webbed superhero, and Jamie Foxx — who appears to turn out all the lights in New York City.
Here is an exclusive 3D sneak peek at ELECTRO!!!
3DGuy.tv, Al Caudullo brings you the latest in 3D Entertainment News from around the world. Sponsored by 3doo.
The new “3D Entertainment News” channel will be located on the 3doo app front page, easily accessible when the app is downloaded and enjoyed free of charge, without registration, on tens of millions of SAMSUNG, LG and PANASONIC Smart TVs in over 150 countries. The 3D channel features Caudullo’s previews of new feature film releases, and 3doo viewers worldwide will enjoy spectacular scenes from most 3-D films playing in or coming to their local theaters.