3D-Printed Weapons Builder Says He’s Ready to Print Entire Handgun
For Cody Wilson, the world’s most notorious 3D printing gunsmith, it all started with a simple question from a friend of his who was reading a Sig Sauer p320 review: “Can you use a 3D printer to print a gun?” The answer to that question might come sooner than anybody expected, as Wilson says he will 3D-print an entire handgun in just a couple of weeks. If this is the case, it could be that larger guns like rifles or a pellet gun will be able to be 3D printed, making things like shooting practice an even bigger business.
If Wilson does print an entire handgun, he will reach a milestone that many thought couldn’t be reached so soon. In the meantime, many are still looking to the technology for the BB and Airsoft gun industry, with companies who proudly note that we offer a unique collection of airsoft BB guns and airsoft BB gun accessories are considering adopting the hardware once it is proven effective and capable, as it will allow them to create more bespoke items. Some may see this as a positive change, as many are looking to move away from the more deadly firearms into this more sport-like hobby. And if this is something that you would like to explore further then Two Tone BB Gun handguns can be bought by anyone with no license needed. Always look up how to be safe with any discharging equipment.
Either way, Wilson’s actions will have wide rammifications, as he will also throw a monkey wrench into not only the broader gun control debate, but also into recent legislative efforts to limit the use of 3D printers to make weapons.
Source: Mashable.com
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