SuperHero Captures the Faces of the Ghost 3D by exploretv
Remember when you were a kid? A commercial would come on TV for a new toy that you just had to have. But convincing your parents that you MUST have it now! “Wait for Christmas”, or “Maybe you’ll get it for your birthday”, was the usual response.
But I was the impatient type. I knew that I wanted it and I certainly did not want to wait. So, I would build my own version.
That’s just how I felt when GoPro came out with the Hero3. I quickly got hands on with two Black Edition beauties. I was thrilled with the features.
Lighter, smaller, Wi-Fi built in. Protune mode, fantastic.
2.7k at 30fps, 720/120 and my soon to be favorite 1080/60.
But, no immediate support for 3D.
I already had been using the Hero2 3D Kit with good results. But now, with the Hero3 I couldn’t wait to my hands on a 3D kit.
I begged, I pleaded, but Uncle Nicholas Woodman said I had to wait. Maybe for Christmas!
Well, my skill set has grown considerably since then. Plus, 3D printing had arrived. The tools I needed were now easily available.
So after hours upon hours of testing and thinking outside the box here it is for all to have. I was always good at sharing.
The video above (Faces of the Ghosts 3D) was shot using only the SuperHero 3D System.
Edited with Edius 7 with titles created with VisTitle 2.5
I have two different incredibly light rigs with a third coming.
The first is a Fixed IA (32 mm)
The second is an adjustable IA Rig. (38 mm – 64 mm)
A third coming soon will be the World’s Smallest Beam Splitter!
Both will come with the 3D Printed Rig, Software, Record Cable, 4-Multi Purpose USB cables.
Here is how the SuperHero 3D System works.
You put your Hero3’s into the 3D printed rig and attach the Multi Purpose USB cables. These will make it easy to upload the software and connecting to you PC for downloading clips. It also works as a charging port for your Hero3s. But you cannot have the Hero3’s charging when you press the Record Cable. This way you don’t have to take them in and out of the rig.
The Record Cable starts your Hero3’s. You can use the connectors on the cable to hook up the GoPro LCD Bac’s so you can view your image. The touch screen does not work in this mode. In the picture, I modified a Hasbro My3D Viewer (not included) so that I can view in 3D.
The software works to automatically trigger the power ON, then activates recording for a preset time length, then pauses and turns OFF. This is the only way to get the sync that you need at this time. You can load the software to record for any length of time that you like. 30 seconds to 5 minutes. In my testing I found 60 seconds to me my most used record time. If I need more, I just hit the button again after shut off and it starts the cycle again.
If you are interested and ready to buy one, click here.
Please feel free to email al(at) with any questions or comments.
Does anyone know the wiring layout of the hero 2 sync system?
well, since the go pro is a computer, there is a master clock in it, so you would just need to feed both camera with the same clock. but probably there is no need to go so deep in the electronic, since there is probably a software way to trig each scan of picture.
somebody just need access to the firmware.
Or load software script into the root directory of each camera!

Really nicely done, Al. Kind of incredible actually.
How much?! Click here link at end of article is dead…
Can you talk more about the gen-lock of the two GoPro3 black cameras.
To begin, it is not true genlock. The GoPro cameras do not have that built in. It is as close in sync as the Hero 2s with the sync cable. While Genlock is the prefered method, some cameras don’t have it. This is the next best thing and pretty close to the way that GoPro is doing it. Think of it this way. If you could get two clocks to start at exactly the same time and I do mean precisely the same time,all things being equal, they will run in sync.
That’s a great looking rig, Al !