Hitachi showcased its 10-inch “Full Parallax 3D TV” at CEATEC 2009. As mentioned on our previous blogposts, Hitachi’s Full Parallax 3D TV does not require special glasses and can be watched from any direction. It also has a resolution of 3D image as high as VGA (640 x 480 pixels), according to the company.
Hitachi’s Full Parallax 3D TV uses a method called “Integral Photography with Overlaid Projection.” Consists of 16 projectors, particularly and a lens array sheet to cover them. The lens array sheet ensures parallax in any direction (not only in the horizontal direction). Because of parallax, the 3D image seen by the user differs in accordance with the angle from which the screen is viewed.
Hitachi wants to go over the limit of total pixel count through multiple projectors.
Hitachi said, “We will be able to arrange projectors in a higher density by employing laser-based micro-projectors and increase the number of projectors by more than 10 times.”
source: techon.nikkeibp