When Google Glass products become widely available next year, IHS IMS Research forecasts global shipments of smart glasses will jump from:
- 50,000 units in 2012
- 124,000 in 2013
- 434,000 units in 2014
The market research firm estimates 2015 will see 2.17 million smart glasses shipped, followed by 6.6 million in 2016. If government regulators take a dim view of smart glasses due to privacy issues, shipments of the products may total only 1 million over the next four years, according to IMS Research.
Google isn’t the only maker of these social glasses. Japanese entrepreneur Takahito Iguchi invented and built Telepathy One, showcased in a small booth at the SXSW 2013 Interactive festival last month in Austin, Texas. The device, demonstrated by Midori Takaso, sports a micro camera and a projection display, along with a wireless system that allows wearers to communicate in real time.
Source: MediaPost.com
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Yes and no. Just as neither stereo viewers nor stereo projectors supplanted the other back in the stereo slide days, there are markets for any of the current, and probably future, methods of displaying stereoscopic and/or autostereoscopic images. Each method has advantages and disadvantages as compared to the others, and each must be evaluated on its own merits for the application intended. It is sort of like comparing a huge high resolution studio camera with a tiny low resolution security camera or a cellular phone camera. Each has its purpose, and will perform that purpose best when used for what it was designed for.