Mother’s Day comes once a year like any other SPECIAL holidays
Mother’s Day 2013 is Sunday, May 12 and 3DGuy knows that there are plenty of wonderful moms out there!And for that, here’s 3DGuy’s back to back surprises for them!
#1 – 30 STEPS 3D
A real life 3D short of a 7 year old boy who enters the Buddhist temple for a TV show called “The Little Monk” and has to be deprived of his greatest joy — his Mama’s hugs. SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube Channel, leave a comment here or there, any of those will get you entered into our major raffle draw*.

#2 – Classic Bluray Specials Courtesy of Warner Bros
Take the challenge on our “Guess-the-Scene” game. Aim to be the TOP SCORER and get a chance to own “A Star is Born” (1976) or “Cabaret” (1972) blurays and spend a sweet movie night with your mom! Don’t forget to LIKE our Facebook page and SHARE us a screen capture of your SCORE!
*The major RAFFLE DRAW will be on June 2013. Drawing date to be announced. Enter to get a chance to win a GLASSES-FREE 3D TABLET courtesy of Neo3Do! (the LUCKY MOM to enter the raffle will be contacted at the sign-in email address associated with your user name.)
No purchase necessary. Starts Friday, May 10, 2013 at 2 pm ICTand ends Sunday, May 13, 2013 at 11:59 pm.
Happy MOTHER’S DAY & here’s cheers to all our amazing moms!!