Best of 3D Beating Up Life of Pi, MIB 3 and More!


On February, our Best of 3D Volumes 4-6 bluray has started beating up epic 3D films such as Life of Pi! Amazon Germany & UK’s daily summary shows it all. Best of 3D ranked 3rd on “Best Seller” (Animals Category)and ranked 15th on “Best Seller” (3D Bluray) and underneath are MIB 3, Life of Pi, Paranorman and more.

best of 3d bluray 3d 1.

Best of 3D Volumes 1-3 is still doing a great job having been in the top 50 Best Seller since it’s launch last year.


Tauchen 3D has been released recently and this sounds like a great treat for our underwater 3D lovers out in Germany!


3DGuy Production’s “Underwater Thailand” is only one of the many award-winning real-world 3D productions that everyone will discover in these blurays. Check out with our 3DGuy, Al Caudullo, shall you be interested to purchase one or two!




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