This news is not just for our 3D friends. This is for every one who wants to design their own iPad or iPhone case, your own 3D camera, car, shoes, clothes, jewelries and teeth??
Wait a second? Is that possible!?
You should go and click the video now and see how this company, Cyclopital3D, use plastic filament and a 3D printer to producer various products. The possibilities are endless with 3D printing. You can make almost anything you want! And yes—it will make you forget about the present day ink cartridges!
“This is a new industrial revolution for manufacturing,” Tanya Alsip with Cyclopital said.
The company doesn’t need expensive molds. Instead, they design the parts and own the printers, and they ship their products worldwide.
“It gives us the ability to create niche products in low volumes and be able to deliver them,” Alsip said.
Guys…even President Obama mentioned this on his State of the Union address. It is s taking hold worldwide.
To learn more about Cyclopital3D and it’s products, check out the blog by Al Caudullo here, The Wizard of 3D and His WAL.
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