Start creating stunning 3D presentations right within Microsoft PowerPoint today using Presente3D v1.0
We are pleased to announce today that we have released version 1.0 of Presente3D. After an extensive beta period of six months, with over 5,000 beta testers, users can now start creating stunning presentations in 3D right within Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013. You might need to master powerpoint before you jump right into making 3D presentations, but fortunately there are loads of resources online to help you do this. If having PowerPoint and the accompanying Office 365 software is integral to your business, you may also choose to also incorporate office 365 license management to optimize your spending on the software.
The release version of Presente3D improves on performance and functionality allowing users the ability to start creating 3D presentations in minutes with no special requirements on hardware. We have been considered a useful tool for educators, trainers and corporate marketers allowing your users to be more engaged. You can effectively take your existing 2D presentations and make them 3D in minutes. Your presentations can be run directly on any non-3D display through the use of Anaglyph (Red/Blue) glasses and any 3DTV or 3D-ready Projector. Of course, you want the Best projector for business presentations so don’t forget to invest in a good projector too!
We are excited about releasing Presente3D at a price that makes three-dimensional content creation affordable and easy to use for the masses. We have delivered on giving our users an easy to use tool for rapidly creating 3D presentations within the most popular presentation tool in the world.
– No Knowledge of 3D required, only two values to modify Pop-Out/In and Thickness
– Support for Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013
– Content can be displayed on Non-3D Displays, through Anaglyph, or 3D-enabled Projectors or Displays in Side by Side, Above-Below or Frame Sequential (Quadbuffer)
– Support for Master Slides, create 3D templates that allow you to rapidly create your 3D Presentations.
– Add 3D Images to your existing PowerPoint presentation.
– Simplified Interface for Navigation, Camera Manipulation and controlling 3D settings
– Save any 3D slide as a stereoscopic 3D image
Start creating amazing 3D presentations right within Microsoft PowerPoint Today! You can purchase a fully functional version of Presente3D for $59 directly from our website or download a free trial version of Presente3D from http://www.presente3d.com.
Source: Press Release
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