By now you know that Grass Valley Edius 3D is available to all. You may even be aware that the 3DGuy has been beta testing this great new 3D software and has edited many of his 3D videos with it.

But, you may not know that the 3DGuy has created a series of eight (8) tutorials on how easy it is to use Grass Valley Edius 3D. Based on performance, features and price, Edius 3D outperforms everything else in the market and is the “all time best 3D editing software”.
The new 3D editing features include: native support for 3D video clips captured with the most popular 3D cameras (including Panasonic, Sony and JVC), easy clip pairing for synching left eye/right eye clips, plus an array of tools on the editing timeline that make 3D adjustments quick (no transcoding is necessary) and easy. Functions available in 2D are also supported in 3D, such as realtime color correction, keying, transitions and multicam editing. Invaluable 3D tools including :
3D clips supported natively, even up to 4K
3D clip pairing, easy and automatic, but with the ability to adjust difficult pairings manually.
3D clip adjustment, including automatic convergence. One button control with easy keyframing tools
3D preview monitoring, output to most major 3DTV’s including Panasonic and LG
3D multi-camera editing, amazing up to 16 camera set up available.
So now you know what it can do. Have a look at the videos to see how to do it. Don’t forget to bookmark this page for reference.
Part 1 – Creating and organizing your project.
Part 2 – Source Browser, Importing Clips, and Setting up Stereoscopic Pairs (Panasonic AG3DA1)
Part 3 – Setting Up Stereoscopic Pairs (Sony TD10E and Nano Flash 3D)
Part 4 – Setting Up Stereoscopic Pairs (GoPro 3D) and Adjusting GoPro 3D
Part 5 – Stereoscopic Adjuster and Layouter
Part 6 – Stereoscopic Mode and Floating Stereoscopic Window
Part 7 – Multicam and Exporting Your Project
Part 8 – Quick Titler, Filters, and Effects
The video tutorial is good but it is running too fast. It should be going much slower to catch what is said. I had to rewind several times the same place to get what was said buy the trainer.
There is a bug in Edius 6.5X which has been reported previously.
If you adjust with Stereo Adjuster your clip and then export it as separate L and R streams you will find that L and R exported clips of a different length then (not much but third party Encoders wont accept them anymore together)
Is the a way around or it is a flow of Edius unfortunately? What do you think and how would you address the problem?
Thank you in advance.