Real life robots from the smallest to the gigantic ones! Meet and greet them. Don’t miss this year’s iREX International Robot Exhibition at Tokyo, Japan.
Okay, First of All, What’s iREX?
We’ll resist the urge to just say “Gigantic Awesome J-Robotics Extravaganza!”, and go ahead and break it down a bit:
Organizers: JARA does exactly as one would totally expect a JARA to do; it’s a membership organization for Japanese robotics born of Japan’s exploding industrial robotics and automation industry of the late 1960s & early 70s. Eventually, its focus broadened to include personal and social robotics as well. The other primary partner in iREX organization & promotion, the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, or ”Daily Engineering Newspaper/Newsletter,” also does exactly what it sounds like it would be doing: providing news and networking for Japan’s engineering and manufacturing sectors and promoting those industries through various events and seminars and great big huge robotics exhibitions in the heart of Tokyo.
According to the organizers, and probably pretty accurately stated, the held-every-two-years iREX International Robot Exhibition is the world’s largest and awesomest exclusively robotics-focused tradeshow. The event is four days of engineers, makers, and manufacturers networking, attending seminars, and of course displaying, demoing, and hawking their robotic wares to each other and the public at large. Some stats from [Continue reading…]
Source: akihabaranews.com