Originally posted on: www.roadtovr.com
Data allegedly obtained from Capcom in a recent hack suggests that a VR version of Resident Evil 4 is coming to Oculus headsets next year.
As reported by PC Gamer, Capcom’s network was breached on November 2nd as a part of a ransomware attack, which saw the public release of an alleged 1TB of internal data.
Capcom confirmed the leak in a press release, saying a hacker group called Ragnar Locker destroyed and encrypted data on its servers in effort to extort money from the company.
In all, Capcom says some customer and shareholder data was leaked, as well as “some corporate information” including sales reports, financial information, and development documents.
We haven’t vetted the leaked data in question, however PC Gamer maintains that both the name and supposed release date was included in a calendar for a VR version of Resident Evil 4 for Oculus, cited as arriving in April 2021. It’s uncertain which headset is indicated, as the data reportedly only referred to ‘Oculus’ by name.
Considering the original game was first released on consoles in 2005 and then later remastered in 2011, the Quest platform is a likely bet; Facebook has also largely abandoned PC VR in the wake of Quest 2, its latest standalone VR headset.
And although the release dates for these hot-ticket Capcom properties are still far enough away to change, it points to a multi-pronged strategy to launch multiple Resident Evil properties around the same time next year.
The data also suggests the upcoming Resident Evil Village will arrive in April 2021, with the Resident Evil Netflix series Infinite Darkness following in May.

What is 360 VR Video?
360 video is a video that is recorded in all directions at the same time with multiple cameras. The videos are stitched together either internally in the camera or externally using special software.
It then forms one spherical video that is controlled by the viewer, enabling them to look up, down, right or left at their discretion.
Is 360 Video Virtual Reality?
I want you to be the judge.

Recommended MicroSD Card for use with the Fusion 360 camera
How are you watching your 360 VR Video?
Are you watching on your PC?
Is it Facebook? YouTube? Veer.TV ?
Or better still, are you using your Samsung Galaxy Smartphone with your Samsung Gear VR Headset?

Or are you using another smartphone with a Google Cardboard? Google Daydream?
Leave a comment below. Let us know what you like or don’t like. If you have seen a 360 VR video that you think is awesome, tell us, and we will feature it.
What type of VR Headset do you own? Or do you watch with your computer? Smartphone?
Do you have a VR camera? Ricoh Theta S? Ion360? Samsung 360 gear? Insta360?
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