Category-5 Studios presents the special live streaming series “Cutting it Close- Live from NAB! with Mitch Jacobson”. This three-day livestream series will include the latest breaking news from NAB and interviews with industry professionals who share their techniques and insight on film, video and live streaming technologies.
Watch it live twice a day from all over the NAB show floor and on the Teradek/Livestream stage at: (Also available via video on-demand).
Join the conversation by tweeting all questions to #ASKNAB. Each day, one lucky Tweeter will win Mitch Jacobson’s book, Mastering Multicamera Techniques: From Preproduction to Editing and Deliverables (Focal Press).
Cutting it Close- Live from NAB! with Mitch Jacobson
April 16th-18th, 2012: 12:00pm PST to 1:00pm PST (3:00pm EST to 4:00pm EST)
AND 3:30pm PST to 5:00pm PST (6:30 pm EST to 8:00pm EST)
Scheduled guests include: Ted Schilowitz, Gary Adcock, Oliver Peters, Denise Williams, Al Caudullo, Steve Modica, Ned Soltz, Philip Hodgetts, Bruce Sharpe, Bob Zelin, Phillip Nelson, Jose Burgos, Michael Rubin, Alexis Van Hurkman, Iva Radivojevic, Nick Harauz, Robert Truett, Norman Hollyn, Jeff Rothberg, Ben Kozuch, Mark Davis, Jeff Wurtz, Scott Simmons, Josh Apter, Michel Suissa , Patrick Inhoffer and others representing RED, AJA, Autodesk, Future Media Concepts, Grass Valley, Avid, Telestream, Singular Software, NVIDIA, NewTek, Tweak, Shotgun, Tiffen, Blackmagic, Manhattan Edit Workshop, USC Film School, ACE, MPEG, Scenios, Inside Actors Studio, B&H, Matrox and more.
Mitch Jacobson is a digital video director/editor & author with over 25 years experience in broadcast television, live streaming and entertainment production. He is the owner of Category-5 Studios in New York City, a member of The Motion Picture Editor’s Guild (Hollywood/NYC), and an Apple Certified Pro.
For more information contact: Alisha Purcell, Category-5 Studios
Source: Press Release
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