Nintendo NES and GameCube: 3D deja vu ?

Sony has been focusing on the 3D capabilities of its PlayStation 3 quite a bit recently, whereas the other two games console manufacturers have been keeping quiet on the matter. This of course has led many to believe that the PS3 is the first and only gaming console to support 3D gaming.

However, this assumption is completely incorrect, according to a recent article at by Pramath. Besides being accompanied by both the Xbox 360 and the Wii in its 3D gaming capabilities, the PS3 is also the latest in a long line of consoles that have supported 3D gaming out of the box.

The first games console that was capable of displaying stereoscopic 3D was the Nintendo NES back in the 1980s. There were several Square published games that could display 3D graphics including “3-D World Runner” and “Rad Racer,” both of which came packaged with 3D glasses and had 3D modes.

However, the 3D that the NES supported was not stereoscopic 3D. The GameCube on the other hand did support stereoscopic 3D. Although it never actually got a 3D game release, so the 3D compatibility was never really exploited or made much use of.


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