Occulus Rift Hacked


Oculus Rift issued a statement moments ago to all developers that their security had been hacked. Could this be in retaliation for Facebook buying the company? It certainly is a possibility.
The company has received a good bit of backlash from kick starter investors who felt a personal tie to the company. Many felt that the company had sold out. Kickstarter which originally offered small businesses a way to develop mainstream products by providing a pipeline to individuals online. The company has come under fire recently for a host of allegations of improper developments of Kickstarter projects. Many believe that Microsoft would have been a much better fit for the spirit of the company.
If you are one of the developers you should follow the security advisory below.

As an ongoing commitment to security for our internal systems, we regularly run security audits to identify vulnerabilities. Over the weekend we discovered a vulnerability that potentially allowed for SQL injection within the Oculus Developer Center.

When we discovered the vulnerability, we took down our systems as a precautionary effort and applied the required fixes. As an added security measure, we’re requiring all Developer Center users to change their passwords upon next login.

Please know that no credit card or address information is stored in the Developer Center database, and we don’t have any reason to believe that any personal or confidential information was taken before we discovered the issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience and if you have any questions, please email support@oculusvr.com.


The Oculus Team

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