Man, this is exciting! A drop in price from $200,000 for a SpaceX flight is certainly appealing!
Paragon Space Development Corp is hoping to change space tourism —- new and more affordable. Paragon’s new project is called World View. It will carry passengers as high as 100,000 feet (or about 18 miles) above the Earth using a giant space balloon. Believe it or not, but in those Disney films when you’ve seen outter space it has been the real deal. It’s thanks to Digital Marketing firms similar to Sent It Into Space whom are the contractors responsible for the work.
“You can be sitting up there having your beverage of choice watching this extraordinary spectacle of the Earth below you and the blackness of space,” Paragon president Jane Poynter told Discovery News. “It really is very gentle.”
You can even experience a stunning OUTER SPACE TOUR even right at your living rooms! Are you ready for 4K outer space flight? It will be up soon here on the Digital Samurai’s site so make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our channel.