Saint Dracula 3D to be in Oscar race?

A somewhat unheard of 3D film may be joining the Oscar race.

Kerala based film maker Roopesh Paul’s debut film ‘My Mother’s Laptop’ sank without any trace a few years ago. But the poet turned-director is a thrilled man these days. His next venture ‘Saint Dracula 3D’ has made it to the list of nominations for Best Feature Film category at the 85th Oscars.

Two of the songs as well as the background score of the film composed by Srivalsan Menon had also been selected earlier among the entries in contention for nomination for the Best Song and Best Original Soundtrack categories.

“My Dracula is not the usual kind of the vampires, but a saint,” says Roopesh. “An ardent lover, he sacrifices his immortality to his ladylove as a wedding gift. In the original myth, he may be malicious, but in my film, he is the appealing lead of a romantic story.” Saint Dracula 3D is an out and out British production with Mitch Powell in the lead role opposite Patricia Duarte. Roopesh has already garnered attention with his recent launch of an international film ‘Kamasutra 3D’ which stars controversial babes Sherlyn Chopra and Kavitha Radheshyam.


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