So your a 3D fan—-bad too bad you’re not ready to buy your 3D mobile device yet…not ready to say good-bye to your iPhone buddy?
No need to fret! PalmTop is the solution! Just an add-on to give your smartphone an extra “smart 3D trick”!!
The new PalmTop Theatre is a iPhone 3GS/4/4S/5 add-on adding stereoscopic 3D vision to the most popular smartphones from Apple. You may buy now the protection-case-3D-accessory for 33.95$, 27£ or 33€.
Combined with its companion app, your PalmTop Theatre will present over-under 3D stereoscopic content in 3D without the need of special glasses, thanks to a clever arrangement of two semi-transparent mirrors.
See how it works. Watch the demo video below. Enjoy guys!
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