3D Tablet Battle Begins… Earlier this week, 3DGuy asked: Which is the “First 3D tablet”? Really? And today, we’ve got answers. Please feel free to […]
Tek Toyz: We’ve Got Beets! They’ve got Beats, we’ve got Beets! This is exciting! GET THOSE “BEETS” HEADPHONES EVERYONE’S BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR […]
NASA experimenting with 3D printing for space exploration Bring it on! With NASA behind it, the skies the limit!
Tek Toyz: SampleTank Now Audiobus Compatible! If you are an IK music line fan and is an owner of SampleTank— here’s a good news for you!
Convergent Design Reduces Price of Gemini 4:4:4 Recorder This article was originally published on 3Droundabout.com. Convergent Design announces that effective 1 March, 2013, the price of the […]
Tek Toyz: SampleTank App for iPhone 5 IK Multimedia Updates SampleTank App for iPhone 5 User interface enhanced and polyphony increased March 7, 2013 — IK Multimedia, […]
SMI Eye-Tracking 3D Glasses use rim-based cameras to adjust perspective Can 3D glasses get any less fashionable? Of course they can! And here’s some proof. Today, SensoMotoric Instruments (SMI) teased […]