Tek Toyz: N60-drive storage chassis for video applications!


Do you need more hard drive space?


I need more hard drive space! 😀
I may be dating myself, but I remember when my computer had 128 MB of masterful hard drive space. Now I have stacks and stacks of 2TB and 3 TB hard drives for my 3D video projects. And even they don’t seem to be big enough.
If you edit video, then you know exactly what I mean. At NAB this year, one company is out to change that.


MBX Systems, a manufacturer of custom server appliances, is introducing a 60-drive storage chassis designed for extreme video storage needs – including broadcasting, video server, video on demand and more – as well as other high-density storage applications.


The new, fully configurable MBX StorX unit packs up to 60 discrete 3.5” drives into a 4U chassis, delivering a storage capacity of up to 240 TB. It speeds time to market for application providers by eliminating the need to design and spec a custom high-density chassis and component platform for a server appliance from scratch.



Source:  Melanie Kreiter | SSPR.com



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