3DGuy discovered something fun right here!
Are you seeking to be a Star Trek crew? This is your chance—at least, even as a 3D printed doll! Seriously, guys. Cubify made it possible.
The Star Trek app on Cubify launched by 3D Systems, fans can upload two photographs of themselves and create customized, full-color 3D printed products and collectibles based on the Star Trekshows. The first product available is a 3D printed figurine that measures 5.5” tall and lets you pick from TOS-era costumes, ranks (ensign through captain) and poses, plus you can select whether you’ll be a human or Vulcan (complete with pointy ears and making the iconic split-fingered greeting gesture), male or female, etc. You can also choose a saying to be included on the figurine’s base.
The Cubify personalized figurines are 3D printed on the 3D Systems Projet 660Pro, with a ceramic-like feel. Each figurine costs $69.99.
Source: Star Trek site