Titanic 3D Kate Sinks the Ship

In her own words from an interview with USA Today


The 3-D version of the film is “extraordinary,” says Winslet, who has seen only 17 minutes of it. “I was literally like, ‘Oh my God, make it stop! Is that me? Oh my God, that’s me. Block my ears, somebody! Somebody club out my senses. Make it (expletive) stop!'” exclaims the star, waving her hands in front of her eyes. “And Leo looks so young and so skinny!” she gushes in a baby voice. The on-screen lovers, she says, have remained “closer than ever,” but “we definitely won’t” be having any sort of Titanic reunion. “No, we’ll just sit around going, ‘Can you (expletive) believe this? Isn’t this weird?’ “


But, gazing back thru the looking that is film, she is not so crazy about seeing herself so young and inexperienced. “I was literally like, ‘Oh my God, make it stop! Is that me? Oh my God, that’s me. Block my ears, somebody! Somebody club out my senses. Make it f—— stop!” she told USA Today.


“I’m sure I wasn’t really a very good actress. Seriously, we are talking about something that happened 15 years ago. It is a very long time ago,” she added. “I’ve learned so much, and I’ve changed as a person so much since then. It is really quite weird. Can you imagine anything stranger? It’s going to be like famous all over again, Titanic all over again!”


Kate only got to see 17 minutes of the 3D movie but she already can’t wait to see it all. When asked what she thought of 3D, she stated firmly, “extraordinary”. “I do feel very excited about it, because I can tell that a whole new generation is going to get to experience the film,” says the 36-year-old actress. “


(My children) Mia (11) and Joe (8) still have not seen it. So it is very exciting that I can actually sit with them — together — and we can all watch it together in a movie theater, and that is going to be quite amazing, actually.”


The 3D release of the film happens on April 5th. Titanic is the second highest-grossing film of all time behind James Cameron’s other billion-plus blockbuster Avatar.


3DGuy can’t wait to see the modern day classic reborn in 3D.



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