Today’s Immersive VR Buzz: Banishing Your Nightmares With The Help Of VR

This was a very interesting BUZZ that I found today and wanted to share with you.

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In the US, between 1/2 and 2/3 of children and up to 15% of adults have frequent nightmares. This has serious clinical effects for sufferers, including not only distress, but chronic loss of sleep and generalized anxiety. And yet, access to effective treatment for the condition is still a problem. In the Netherlands, some adults who cannot access imagery rehearsal therapy turn to alternatives like “beste CBD olie” (hemp oil extract) to treat their sleep problems and anxiety. For those that are wanting to see how CBD can help with different issues such as sleepless nights or anxious episodes, plus more, it would be an ideal start to search online for the “CBD stores near me” – this way people can then directly query people that have better knowledge about how CBD could help them, as well as purchase various products with the guidance of a professional that is wanting the best for the health and wellbeing of all patients. CBD is looking to be a promising aid for those that can suffer from a slew of mental illnesses or issues. However, there are alternative treatments closer to home such as cannabis which is becoming progressively legal in the states. Those interested in researching these types of treatment can click on the following link to learn more. Cannabis and cannabis-based products are not the only alternative remedies that can help sufferers relax and improve their overall wellbeing. Some people have found that remedies such as turmeric and kratom also have similar effects to CBD products and are often given as an alternative option for those who aren’t sure about using cannabis-based products. Due to this, there are many turmeric and kratom vendors that offer support for those who are having anxiety problems and require treatment or wish to improve their wellbeing.

Imagery rehearsal therapy is considered the current gold standard for treatment of this disorder, teaching patients to replace nightmare imagery with less frightening versions.

However, success rates tend to vary due to the fact that it relies on an individual’s ability and willingness to conjure up realistic nightmare imagery in their mind’s eye, which can vary greatly from person to person, and is something that usually proves particularly challenging for young children.

Virtual reality-based imagery rehearsal and rescripting treatment (ReScript) aims to enable participants to gain cognitive control over intrusive imagery, and lessen overall anxiety, nightmare distress, or nightmare daytime effects.

Center for Mind and Culture cofounders Dr. Patrick McNamara (neurology professor and researcher at Boston University) and Wesley J. Wildman, (professor of philosophy and expert in artificial, computer-simulated environments at Boston University) designed a pilot study to examine if virtual reality therapy could help people with such recurring nightmares.

Over the course of one month, 19 patients who reported having frequent nightmares were able to modify the visuals they found threatening – such as a great white shark swimming closer and closer – using an Oculus headset and joysticks with gesture controls in order to make them less scary.

Participants visited the lab twice a week and were monitored for anxiety, nightmare distress, and nightmare effects – and by the conclusion of the study, participants reported significantly lower levels in all three areas.

Dr.Mcnamara explains that VR therapy is broadly based upon cognitive behavioral principles of exposure therapy – which works on the principle that by exposing patients gradually to stimuli for which they have developed fear responses, those fear responses can eventually be extinguished.

“In the case of nightmares, we could vary the images being presented to patients along 3 dimensions important for nightmare imagery: arousal level (the extent to which the image causes autonomic arousal); dominance level (extent to which image effectively dominates participant feeling response) and valence (positive vs. negative),” adds Dr. McNamara.

The distinct advantage of VR in comparison to traditional exposure therapy is that it allows for realistic, detailed stimuli to be administered with increasing potency.

It is also possible to vary the dimensions of that stimuli very systematically, experimenting to gauge which dimension is a more potent contributor to the symptom being treated.

The study concluded that VR takes that burden of imagery generation off of the patient by generating and presenting the images for them.

This is a particularly promising avenue for treating younger patients, since they are familiar and willing to interact with technology, and also because the technique can effectively slow down or prevent nightmare disorder conversion into psychosis, ultimately saving lives.

“VR furnishes a solution to the image stabilization challenge that makes existing therapies impractical, particularly given that people vary in their abilities in image stabilization,” explains Dr. Wildman.

Implications of their work are particularly significant for children, as recurring nightmares can be predictors of adolescent and adult psychosis (including anxiety, depression, stress,

And suicidal ideation) for kids. This new therapy technique can leverage young people’s ability to adopt emerging technology in order to provide a more tangible approach to treating nightmare disorders.

Immersive technologies are being used for therapeutic purposes in everything from the treatment of phobias to speech impairment – and companies like Limbix and Healium are developing commercial products to meet this increasing demand. However,

lthough research has shown that VR has been used effectively to treat anxiety and other psychiatric disorders, some studies also point to the fact that we know relatively little about the broader and more long-term psychological effects that immersive experiences have on us.

The next steps for the researchers are to conduct a double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial for VR enabled nightmare treatment – and then possibly extent its use to kids with recurrent nightmares.

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What is 360 VR Video?

360 video is a video that is recorded in all directions at the same time with multiple cameras. The videos are stitched together either internally in the camera or externally using special software.

It then forms one spherical video that is controlled by the viewer, enabling them to look up, down, right or left at their discretion.

Is 360 Video Virtual Reality?

I want you to be the judge.

Recommended MicroSD Card for use with the Fusion 360 camera

Recommended MicroSD Card for use with the Fusion 360 camera

How are you watching your 360 VR Video?

Are you watching on your PC?

Is it Facebook? YouTube? Veer.TV ?

Or better still, are you using your Samsung Galaxy Smartphone with your Samsung Gear VR Headset?

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Or are you using another smartphone with a Google Cardboard? Google Daydream?

Leave a comment below. Let us know what you like or don’t like. If you have seen a 360 VR video that you think is awesome, tell us, and we will feature it.

What type of VR Headset do you own? Or do you watch with your computer? Smartphone?

Do you have a VR camera? Ricoh Theta S? Ion360? Samsung 360 gear? Insta360?

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