Youtube’s new expanded 3D capabilities

Well after months upon months of talk from Youtube, they are finally pushing for more 3D content to be viewed on their site.
One of the main barriers stopping mass adoption of 3D technology is the lack of content.  YouTube, the video streaming site, wants to improve on that and is now making it easier for anyone to create 3D video content, without the need for special cameras.  All they need is a beta 2D to 3D conversion tool.

This new 2D to 3D conversion tool is a much handier alternative for average users although three-dimensional videos on YouTube are not all that new. The site has been allowing 3D filmmakers to upload their videos after they had had it fully edited, but this outreach will make the average joe have the power of 3D right in his hands.

YouTube product manager Shenaz Zack Mistry said in a blog post that users will “still get best results with a 3D camera, but it’s a great new way to let people enjoy your finest moments.” You’ll also still need 3D glasses to enjoy the converted clips.

The video streaming site also just announced that users who go through a complete account verification and haven’t breached any copyright rules will now be allowed to exceed the 15-minute upload limit.  This will also make it easier for 3D indie films to be shown on their site, possibly helping get theri work out in the world easier.
After Youtube’s acceptance of 3D vids of their site this is definetely another growth for the company.
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