Panasonic’s CEATEC booth showcased the first 50” plasma panel fully-compatible with the upcoming 3D Blu-ray standard. It can deliver 1080p resolution to each eye.
The prototype utilizes new phosphor technology for ‘real deep black and unsaturated brightness,’ and employ proprietary 3D drive technology circuitry to minimize crosstalk between alternating images. While Panasonic wouldn’t be drawn on prices for the new screen, it stressed that the price premium for 3D would not be excessive, and that models should be ‘affordable’. Panasonic’s Mayuki Kozuka explained: ‘We are targeting volume so [the technology] wouldn’t be that expensive.’
Panasonic President Fumio Ohtsubo used his opening keynote speech to stress that ‘Panasonic will continue to be at the leading edge for the industry’, as well as emphasising his company’s focus on ecology: ‘The 21st century needs a great revolution to realise sustainable growth and break our dependence on oil. Eco will be the centre of all our activities. We will implement business practices that minimise environmental impact.’
More of this article at homecinemachoice.