On Sunday, September 17, 2023, The Hollywood Guerilla Film Festival held its awards ceremony at the Historic Hudson Theatre. Even though Al Caudullo couldn’t be on hand, he managed to execute a sweep of the awards, with three (3) of his films winning four (4) of seven award categories.
The Official Winners of The Hollywood Guerrilla Film Festival are:
LGBTQIA+ Award WINNER = The Crown, Directed by Jeremy Stutes and Co-Directed by Al Caudullo.
Wealth Inequality Award WINNER = Forced Out: A virtual reality experience inside Bangkok’s largest slums Directed by Al Caudullo.
Zero to Low Budget Award WINNER = Andrew Rodgers with The Right Note
Honourable Mention Award WINNER = Intoxication Directed by Af-shin Va-ezi
Uplifting Global Short Award WINNER = The Cave: Wild Boar Rescue Directed by Al Caudullo
Collaboration Over Competition Award WINNER = The Crown: Co-Directed by Jeremy Stutes and Al Caudullo
Best Turkish Short Award WINNER = Feride Eylül Ünal with Disconnected

The Hollywood Guerrilla Film Festival is a unique global platform dedicated to showcasing and championing the voices of independent filmmakers. We provide a stage for all creators to exhibit their work, irrespective of their budget, cast size, or prior recognition. We believe that powerful storytelling can come from anywhere, and it is our mission to discover, nurture, and celebrate this talent. Here, it’s not just about big-budget productions but innovative ideas, creative execution, and the spirit of storytelling that defines indie filmmaking. We distinguish ourselves from traditional film festivals by prioritizing fresh voices and perspectives over industry norms. Our nomination process doesn’t hinge on an entrant having an extensive budget, a large cast, professional representation, or prior nominations. Instead, we aim to build a vibrant community of filmmakers, inviting them to share their stories, connect with peers, and learn from each other’s creative journeys. The Hollywood Guerrilla Film Festival isn’t solely about awarding the “best” film but fostering a supportive network where independent filmmakers can thrive and grow. On a lighter note, you may wonder why our mascot is a gorilla, not a guerrilla. The answer is simple – availability! The guerrillas were tied up with their commitments to fighting oppressive regimes, creating indie art, and attending their own ‘Guerrilla Gala’. So, we turned to our friendly gorillas, who were more than happy to swap the jungle for the red carpet. Their acceptance speeches are notably succinct and devoid of smoke bombs, making them perfect for our event. It’s really a win-win situation, wouldn’t you agree?

Co-Director Jeremy Stutes attended the awards and shared in the two awards for The Crown, winning the LGBTQIA+ Award and the Collaboration Over Competition Award.
Said Caudullo, “I am thrilled to receive this Certificate of Excellence from The Hollywood Guerilla Film Festival for The Crown, a VR Experience that I imagined and then created with my Co-Director Jeremy Stutes and the incomparable artistry of Pragon Wee.” The Crown won the LGBTQIA+ Award WINNER and the Collaboration Over Competition Award WINNER. Forced Out: A virtual reality experience inside Bangkok’s largest slums, Directed by Al Caudullo, won the Wealth Inequality Award, and The Cave: Wild Boar Rescue, Directed by Al Caudullo, won the Uplifting Global Short Award for its true life story of the successful rescue of the Wil Boars Football team in the mountains of Northern Thailand.

The Hollywood Film Festival director Max Maverick says the future of the festival has been insured by the over 7000 entries received. “We have a robust plan to expand and help independent filmmakers all over the globe.”