Movie theaters currently have a handful of exciting features that make incredible use of 3D. Everest uses the technology to transport us to the top of the titular mountain. Ridley Scott’s The Martian uses 3D to place us inside multiple space crafts heading to Mars. And if you are scared of heights, you might want to skip The Walk in 3D. (For the rest of you, IMAX 3D is a must for Robert Zemeckis’ latest.) But did you ever think you would use 3D to watch porn in at theater? That’s right. Porn. In 3D. Imagine watching in 3D on a huge theater screen! Wow. This will be awesome news to the millions of porn fans out there. Personally, I would much rather use the services of an extremely hot escort courtesy of Slixa Houston as the experience is much more complete. It’s amazing to think how much porn has changed over the years, at first we had the fake sleazy porn which was if you were unfortunate to see it starring big-haired, false nailed women having sex with not that good looking, long mustached but well-endowed men that was so fake it was a joke. Or even a man who wants to show off his sex doll collection. How anyone ever took that seriously was beyond me, we then moved onto the more popular amateur porn which was and still is basically the girl next door with her husband or wife filming themselves doing whatever sexual act takes their fancy and then posting the videos on websites like watch my girlfriend and now we have 3D porn yet to be seen but definitely an interesting concept, it begs belief to wonder whatevers next?
Art House 3D Porn Arrives