Life After Gravity is an original Sci-Fi mini-series experiment from Colin Guinn and 3DR. Create a series using the 3DR Solo UAV. What makes it really unique is that Solo owners from around the world are invited to contribute.
From the Field Notes on Episode Two
The whole concept behind Solo is simple: Make it easy for anyone to get cinematic shots. We’re filming this miniseries on Solo—and only on Solo—to illustrate just what this means for filmmaking. For most of these shots we used Solo’s Smart Shot technology, which not only makes it easy, but gives each shot a polish nearly impossible to replicate with a professional pilot.
We also wanted to illustrate that you can now tell an enormous story—this one is on a global scale—on a limited budget. Solo is an entire video production unit in a backpack: Most of the costs of production went to travel; other costs were relatively negligible.
Smart Shots are only possible because of Solo’s 1 GHz companion computer that works with the traditional autopilot system, and a gimbal that functions intelligently within that system. This means Solo not only flies on set tracks in space, but can actually point the camera for you, allowing you to set not only flight paths but also frame-to-frame narration.
The significance of Smart Shots wasn’t at first obvious even to us until we started shooting this series. But with these blogs and the behind-the-scenes field reports, we’ll show you everything Smart Shots can do.
Here’s how Smart Shots contributed to the second episode.